Brought to you by the letter
"S" for "Snake" (you'll see why)
My good friend, let's call her Sally, (because I still believe in protecting the innocent and the guilty for that matter, with some anonymity on the internet) has been living it up in Seal Beach and going on some not so great dates lately.
I cut and paste the following because it made me laugh out loud! Thanks Sally*!
Subject: Birthday
Date: Tue, April 3, 2007 5:24 pm
Priority: Normal
Hey chica,
Was just reading your blog and realized that I don't have a birthday
invite yet. Please tell me I didn't miss it!!! I will most definitely
be there - as always!!! I love, love, love you!
PS - I have a date with Brett tonight and I'm debating on the best way
to commit suicide already. Maybe a quick jump off the Seal Beach pier
into shark invested waters. ;)
Sent: Wednesday, April 04, 2007 10:14 AM
Subject: Re: Birthday
The party will be May 19th at the pool like last year!
Thanks for the laugh this morning!!
Subject: RE: Birthday
Date: Wed, April 4, 2007 9:33 am
Priority: Normal
Sweet! Going on the calendar now!
The date sucked - let's just say when you're drunk high school buddy
shows up and won't let you talk to your date and is a complete
moron...it's not cool. He tried to get him to go away, but the guy
didn't take the hint. Once he gave up on getting rid of him, they
started reminiscing on how they met at a Dungeons and Dragons class when
they were 10. ummm...yeah.
So after about an hour, I called it an early night and went home. The
best part of the night - thinking of ways to injure myself, here were
the top three:
1. Drive into oncoming traffic
2. Jump airport fence and stand in front of a plane that's taking off,
hoping to get sucked into jet engine
3. Overdose of easter candy resulting in stomach pumping
Scott also suggested poisonous snake bite,
but snakes are hard to find
at the last minute so that didn't make the top 3.
And that my friends is the quote of the day because snakes
ARE hard to find at the last minute!!
* Sally is also known as PR Chick from
"Flaxey Loves to Fly"