9:30 AM - Roused from sleep by telephone call. It was excellent news so I didn't mind
10AM - Watch the View
11AM - Watch Bobby Flay grill some stuff, contemplate whether or not I'll get dressed today
11:30AM - Start writing this blog, while some guy on the Food Network uses gray salt
12:00PM - Still on the Food Network. It's my favorite show with Ina Garten
12:30PM - Sandra Dee is way too perky and excited about her semi-homemade goodies and tablescapes. I change the channel and get out of bed
1:00PM - On the couch now, still not dressed. Decide to watch Fletch and Dazed and Confused brought to me by a good friend. This takes us to...
5:00PM - Time for Seinfeld
6:00PM - Hobble down the stairs to get the mail. I throw on a sweater because it's windy
6:30PM - Burn time in some fashion while icing back. Decide it's time to crawl back into bed
7:00PM - Log back in to finish this really boring entry while watching Animal House
7:30PM - Concluding this boring entry now to do something else. Maybe writing or reading (gasp!) and will try to go to sleep earlier as pre-op appointment is in the morning although the consistent insomnia will probably win again. Oh yeah, I never got dressed. That's the beauty of pajama pants
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