"No, I answer, I am right here, right now in front of you having a conversation."

Do we really need an internet page between us?
I already have five, maybe six e-mail addresses. Isn't that enough?
Can't you send your all-important communique to one of those?
Oh, yeah and this blog and three phone numbers.
Do I really need a page in cyberspace that describes my entire existence plus pictures of fuzzy, soft-focus kittens that represent my tender heart? Are words spoken from our mouths no longer valid?

Maybe I am too hung up on real live people and interacting with them. Maybe I should give that up for Lent this year. It would go well with my New Year's resolution to drink more; I can sit at home, pour myself a vodka (or six), affix myself in front of my excruciatingly, painfully slow computer and wait for the graphically intense pages to load and avoid all human contact whatsoever.
Yeah, 40 days of that and you should be avoiding me. Hell, I'd be avoiding me.
Seriously, people, are you really better off when Al Gore adds you as a friend? Are you going to meet IRL (in real life) someday over vegan lasagna to discuss inconvenient truths and his latest invention? I think not. And we haven't even covered the whole identity theft or stalking issue, and we don't have time. You'll have to ponder that yourself minus my acerbic wit.
So, no I don't understand myspace and I don't want to because I have enough technological ways of transmitting thoughts from my brain to yours.
Oh, yeah, and be sure to check out my page....
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