I've flown a couple times in the last couple weeks and these flights were not eventful at all. You'll be bored reading this, but I know some are itching for new posts.
The highlights include the mean Starbucks girl in the Phoenix airport who couldn't understand the poor little old man who just wanted a cup of coffee with cream and sugar. She thought he said sugar-free. I jumped in because she was being mean and he had a hearing aid and didn't understand. She yelled at me for trying to help. The man was grateful to me.
There was the crazy unkempt man who sat next to me with his curly salt and pepper hair, rumpled clothes and crumpled up newspaper. He was the last one on the plane and stole the water of the guy in the window seat and then ordered a beer like he was at a bar.
And finally, on my flight back from Denver a friend was actually on the same plane; how often does that happen? We sat together and enjoyed the flight back chatting away and catching up. It was a pleasant way to end the weekend.
1 comment:
I know who that friend was! :) It was my best flight ever because I got to sit by you, my beautiful friend. Thanks for being my favorite surprise so far for 2007. Love you!
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